The bug has bitten another one


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Good day all!

Last week I ended up purchasing a Chestnut Ogilvy. This is not only my first wood/canvas boat, it's my first canoe. I've knocked about for the last 20 years or so with friend's Tupperware (okay, plastic) and aluminium boats. I've fished, camped, paddled on ponds and run a couple rivers as well.

Enough about me.

Apparently my canoe was "restored" about 15 years ago. The canvas was replaced with fibreglass, and as far as I can see, a really poor job it was. The previous owner told me they did this so that they could "run rivers." Judging from the skid marks on the fibreglass, it looks more like they ran rock gardens! The inwales and outwales both need to be replaced in the relatively near future. If my attempts at attaching photos worked, you can see this repair. It's been done on both sides. There was also what I believe to be a shoe keel added during this "restoration." I have also found some rib tip rot on some of the ribs.

My plan is to just use the canoe for the summer. After that, I'm considering a restoration of this behemoth. That is if I can figure out how to remove the fibreglass covering. I've read on here that it takes heat and is NOT a pleasant task.

This was meant to be more of an introduction and saying hi than anything else. I think I've lucked out with the Ogilvy since it makes a great stable platform from which to fish and appears to be able to act as a moose hauler as I have seen some other canoes described on here!




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Welcome, Craig

You are in the right place... but the bug you've caught can be a dangerous one if you value garage space.

Looks like you found a great "first project"-- nice to have a canoe you can use and get to know before you have to do anything to it.

If you haven't poked around the archives, using the "search" function above, you may want to try that--- there are some old discussions re canoes of the same persuasion as yours, and lots of stuff re fiberglass. You may be encouraged to know that the worse the glassing job is, the easier it will be on you when removal-time arrives.

I've had a feeling, for some time now, that the fiberglass/plastic/kevlar trend in canoes would encourage people to take risks when it comes to rocks and not learn to "read the river" as Bill Mason teaches in his books and videos... and that's a shame. With wood and canvas, the people take care of the boat (and themselves) instead of assuming the boat will take care of the people.

Again, welcome!