Suggestions for kayak motor propulsion?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I’m sure I’ll be seen by some as a Philistine for asking this, but I’m building a cedar strip CLC 12’ Wood Duck kayak this winter and looking ahead at putting an electric motor on it for my “lazy days” next summer. My question is, what are the best options for this beyond a side mount trolling motor mounted to it? Any thoughts on hull mounted jet thruster props at the stern below the waterline?
Here’s one possible example for reference.

The battery will fit under the aft deck hatch so will be out of site.

Here’s the kayak, btw:
Thoughts? (Yes. I know paddle purists bristle at this idea but I’m now over 65 and playing my AARP card!


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Consider making the wood duck kayak a y-stern. Then mount a remote controlled trolling motor on the stern. Might be more expensive, but probably simpler to do.