Strongback plywood thickness


New Member

I am in the process of prepping to build my first strip canoe. I am primarily using Canoecraft as a guide and as a result am using their plans for a strongback. I started cutting up some sheets of plywood I already had before realizing that their plans call for 3/4" ply when I had 1/2". I see most mentions of people online using plywood or particle board are also using 3/4". So: Would my strongback going to be sturdy enough at 1/2" ply, or should I go ahead of start over with 3/4"?

Realistically I can get away with buying one additional sheet of 3/4" and gluing my 1/2" together into 1" sections for part of the build. It's not a major issue either way, but no point in spending more money or time if what I have will work just fine anyways. On the other hand, no point in wasting time and or adding frustration if it's just not going to work.
Jrhii, strippers aren’t my area of expertise. There is lots of detailed discussion and build threads over on