s/n's on two old towns 16' 77020&77015 "E-HACK" on both

Jim Wacker

New Jersey canoeist
Need build sheets -Id's on two old towns -16's ea. From New Jersey area.
I have "E-HACK" stamped in the stems next to the numbers 77020,77015 on both canoes same font size as the numbers .Pretty neat set of two, Were these a set? or a combined order? both have- two tone paint on both. grey main paint ,green ends with yellow stripe around both ends,2nd is- blue paint main color , green on ends,/yellow stripe seperating colors .Both have outide stems,keels,half ribs,I think 1923-1925 ea. ? Thank you in advance on any help. Reguards JIM
Jim: It doesn't appear that these canoes were from one order, different order numbers with different ship dates and destinations. The Old Town canoe with serial number 77015 is a 17 foot long AA grade OTCA. The build date stamps are illegible. The original exterior canvas covering was white with a gold stripe. It shipped on April 19, 1923 to Minneapolis, MN. A scan of this build record can be found by following the link behind the attached thumbnail image below.

The Old Town canoe with serial number 77020 is a 16 foot long CS grade HW with a keel and half ribs. It was built between March and May, 1923. The original exterior canvas covering was "gray to sample". It shipped on May 7, 1923 to Mt. Holly, N.J. A scan of this build record can be found by following the link behind the attached thumbnail image below.

This scan and several hundred thousand others were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/ot_records/ if you want more details. I hope that you will join or renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See http://www.wcha.org/wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and http://www.wcha.org/join.php to join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match your canoe. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



  • 77020.GIF
    78.2 KB · Views: 393
  • 77015.GIF
    62.3 KB · Views: 391
Thank you on this infomation

Thank you on all this infomation. The hulls both have the E-Hack on them must be a livery item. Mt. Holly NJ. Will try and find out more. Again thank you on this info. If I find out more will post info.s Best reguards to you. again thanks. JIM
more info. on the E-HACK boats

Researching E-HACK canoes.
Found a Mt.Holly NJ. canoe retreat " E- HACK" at 100 mill st. MT. Holly n.j.
They where in business in 1946 . as a livery, they marked their canoes with E-HACK on several ribs and stems on each canoe. Found 4 stamp markings on each. There is a 1946 postcard of the livery and canoe in a stream. With the paint pattern type I have on both canoes. PIC.S in black and white. details are all there. Will try and get picture of the livery and canoe posted soon. reguards JIM
I have seen posts on here with E Hack on them in the past. I tried searcing today to find them, but have not been able to do so yet. It would be neat to see how many E Hack canoes are still out there.

Jim Wacker: You may have seen my post asking for a manufacturer's card for my E-Hack-marked Old Town canoe. I acquired it from a person in Philadelphia; makes sense if E-Hack livery was in Mt. Holly. Same color pattern as the first one you describe. Serial number is also close to yours - 77107?
I made a typo on the serial numbers.

My Numbers were off on the one canoe I listed on the thread, should read 77020 and (77105) not 77015 made a typo -mistake trans-posed numbers 01/10 my mistake, my apologies to you Al and any body else this effected, seams Edward Hack of mt. holly NJ. ordered a few canoes.
here is the ebay number #250628245958 on a picture postcard of the livery and the canoe in the water has the same color pattern as mine. It is a black and white card. but the dark is dark green and light either gray or lt.blue
The strip betwwen colors is yellow on my two boats. mine are 16's with outside stem,keels,and,birch decks and thwarts,.again sorry on the typo. working the pic.s Reguards JIM
Follow-up on the two s/n I asked for,messed up one of the s/n

Thanks again on the info. I messed-up the number on" 77015 "should have been 77105 transposed the" 10/01". It is a 16' er same as the 77020.Has same style canoes decks ,keels,seats,thwarts and stamping " E-HACK in 4 places around canoe.
Sorry to ask this of you . Can you resend this new build sheet. I've tracked down the livery , to which these and others where sent.. 100 mill street in Mount Holly N.J. Edward Hack owner of E-Hack's Canoe Retreat . Was in business from the mid-1920's till the 1960's still researching the records from the towns census info. Found pic.s of postcards, with E-Hack on them,dates 1946,and other canoe pic.'s of same area with his canoe paint pattern on them. hope to get it together by the assemble , to help others out there,again thanks for all you've done.. JIM
To AL,LShemick& tnyankee- A good friend of mine" Ray Schell" Found 5 e-hack boats so far, as records go, old town order#840
s/n's 77020,77105,77101,77021,77103, all shipped may 7th 1923,To edward hack 100 mill street Mt.Holly nj. All 16' all spruce gunwales,white cedar- planked ,all birch decks,birch thwarts,birch seats, all .gray to sample. 4 are hw,cs. grade 1 is a yankee#77103 ..That's the updates so far.. Still looking at more possible shipped canoes to his livery. found more pic's of his livery in books and post cards of canoes from his livery. All carry same paint pattern and sizes . I'm bringing items and info. to assembly.. to share and ask the" in the knows" about possible article in wcha mag. Just thoughts for now. Again thanks to all who have helped this get a hold in the present,rescued from the past. Best regards. JIM
Hi all. Not sure if this is a dead thread, but.... it looks like I have acquired an E.Hack boat - except it is not an Old Town. It is a 1911 Kennebec Kineo 16', s/n 2305. Same paint scheme as described. Gray green hull, dark green stripe along the Gunwale and a yellow pinstripe.

It came from Philadelphia, but was apparently picked up a long while ago (20yrs?) from NY State somewhere.
see the thread I posted this weekend when I got it. /#post-76920.

Sorry no links, but I apparently can't post any yet from my "new" forum account.