Registration numbers on hull?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Iowa requires registration, capacity numbers and decals on the hulls of all canoes over 13 ft. I really don't want to paint minimum 3 inch "contrasting color" numbers all over my freshly restored classic. Looks like there may be some wiggle room in the regs that allow the numbers to be "otherwise affixed". Considering "affixed" side panels that hang from gunnels or some such alternative. Any experience with alternatives? Thanks
Put the numbers on thin boards (1/4" ply?), and use some kind of hooks (bent coat hangers?) to dangle the boards over the side?

It might depend on how grouchy the DNR officer feels on any given day. Send an email to your regulating agency, asking about whaever solution you'd like to propose. Hopefully, they'll respond afirmatively. Then carry a copy of that return email when you're out & about...
Or, if Iowa will accept reg from other states, up here in MN, we just need the 3x3 decal, no numbers unless it's motor powered.

As for the plack, at least here, that would be entirely up to the discretion of the CO, there is nothing in the regs that allows it here on canoes. It is allowed on old historic boats IF they are being used as part of a club sanctioned event.

BTW what do you mean by "capacity numbers"? Never heard of such a thing.

Capacity number is the number of people the boat is rated for - it appears on the metal plate on most (modern) hulls that shows manufacturer, model and serial numbers. In Iowa this must be displayed near the stern 4 or more inches above water line. If the boat does not have a manufacture's capacity rating, the letters OR (Operators Responsibility) must be displayed.

Our registration sticker is about 5" square and changes color every 2 years. All this signage is made so a DNR officer can check with binoculars to see if boat is registered and licensed to be on "public" water (anything but a farm pond). A typical registration number would be IA-3717-ZW.

Canoes over 13' must be "registered" and the registration document must be on board and available for inspection by "an enforcement officer".

We are also required to have wearable life vests for each person and one throwable flotation device.

Seems like a lot of regs for a state with so little boating water, but Iowa has lots of weekend "boaters" that flock to reservoirs and the Mississippi on summer days.

Registration from another state is recognized/allowed if the boat is used for 60 or less days a year. Some form of documentation would be handy if challenged.
In Ohio we have what is called an "alternative registration" it costs $5.00 more than the normal registration but is just a small sticker that can be displayed in the inside of the canoe. Ask if Iowa has that. If not maybe register it in Ohio.

Seems like a lot of regs for a state with so little boating water,

I know/knew what a "Capacity" numbers is, I'm just surprised Iowa (or anybody else) want's it displayed on the outside of the hull, as it's a pretty meaningless number.

I'd be reconsidering where I spent my time on the water.
