patrick corry
solo canoeist
I'm recanvassing an Island Falls 15. It's my first time canvassing a canoe. I have the canoe in the canvas "envelope", the canvas is nicely stretched, the canoe has approximately 150# of weight distributed evenly (there's no ceiling from which to mount shores to push the canoe into the canvas).
The canvas is nicely taut everywhere with the exception of just behind both stems. Where the canvas departs from the stems the canvas has no wrinkles. From the base of the stems, and extending about 36" along the bottom, there is a ridge of canvas held away from the planking by about 1/2" and tapering to zero at each end. In the accompanying photo you will see it within the box I've drawn onto the photo.
I'm assuming that once I've attached the canvas to the point where the "ridge" of canvas begins, I can slightly relax the come-along enough to allow me to pull the canvas up to the gunwale sufficiently to remove these ridges. The thoughts of veteran canvassers will be appreciated. Thanks.
The canvas is nicely taut everywhere with the exception of just behind both stems. Where the canvas departs from the stems the canvas has no wrinkles. From the base of the stems, and extending about 36" along the bottom, there is a ridge of canvas held away from the planking by about 1/2" and tapering to zero at each end. In the accompanying photo you will see it within the box I've drawn onto the photo.
I'm assuming that once I've attached the canvas to the point where the "ridge" of canvas begins, I can slightly relax the come-along enough to allow me to pull the canvas up to the gunwale sufficiently to remove these ridges. The thoughts of veteran canvassers will be appreciated. Thanks.