Racine Mi

Gil Cramer

The wooden canoe Shop, Inc.
18' Racine canoe appears to be a MI built canoe. 4"x3/16" white cedar planked. untapered ribs. 11" oak decks. oak thwarts. 2" wide seat frames except rear frame 3 1/4" on each. serial number stamped into rear edge of rear seat. lots of copper tacks in interesting patterns. horizontal shear plank in two pieces. I believe a cypress inwale. outwale not original but duplica
tes the original ogee shaped oak. . outwales not lipped, but are flush with planking and rib tops.
Canoe is 12" deep and has beveled planking. Outwales appear to have been nailed on through the inwales. More photos later. Probably a very early Muskegon canoe. It very nearly fits Jack McGreivey's description of MI racines in "Wooden Canoe" circa issue 114. have seen serial numbers on ribs and penciled on the outside of the hull, but never on the rear seat edge until this one.