I have always understood that canoes were hugely popular during the late 1800s and early 1900s when compared to similar outdoor sports but I've never found a good way to measure this. The Google books Ngram Viewer as described at http://books.google.com/ngrams/info provides an interesting approach to this question. This gives a way to count the occurrences of words in books that have been scanned by Google as compared to the time when those books were published. The results at http://books.google.com/ngrams/grap...start=1800&year_end=2008&corpus=0&smoothing=4 show how frequently canoe, bicycle, ski, golf, and kayak occurred in books between 1800 and 2008. There is an obvious peak for canoe between about 1850 and 1940 and usage has also been rising sharply again since 2000. The usage of words related to other common outdoor activities seems to match their popularity. There are probably many cases where the word "canoe" is used that don't have anything to do with current outdoor sporting activities but this does provide an interesting perspective.