Old Town SN 156659 - 16


Canoe nut
another one to research, it's on eBay locally and if it's an OCTA, I may pick it up as a mate to my 1951 Yankee, though it is in sad shape.

I think I'm getting addicted...
I had 7 canoes a month ago...when I bought the 1951 Yankee (the only wood one at the time), my wife suggested I "thin the herd."
One of the canoes was one of the first Grumman Aircraft Bethpage canoes made - low 3 digit serial number. That went to a guy who had a vintage sailing rig.

Only have 4 canoes now - all Old Town, 2 wood.

Think I am going to pass on the one on eBay since another WCHA member is going for it.

Thanks again for your help.