The Old Town canoe with serial number 124635 is an 18 foot long Guide's model with white Maine cedar planking, open spruce gunwales, ash decks, ash thwarts, ash seats, and a keel. It was built between March and July, 1938. The original exterior paint color was G. S. (Guide's special) green. It shipped on August 2nd, 1938 to Detroit, Michigan. It was damaged and returned in December, 1938. The repairs required three new ribs, 15 feet of three inch planking, a new stem, a new bang plate, and refinishing with G. S. green paint for a total of $15.30 as shown on the back side of the card. It was then returned to Detroit, Michigan on January 4th, 1939. Scans of both sides of this build record can be found by following the links behind the thumbnail images attached below. The second half of my first message in this thread applies to this one so I won't repeat it. Good luck with the restoration,