Old Town 150324 15 50

Welcome and congratulations, the Old Town canoe with serial number 150324 is a 15 foot long, CS (Common Sense or middle) grade, fifty pound model with white Maine cedar planking, open spruce gunwales, and a keel. It was built between February and June, 1948. The original exterior paint color was dark green. It shipped on June 25th, 1948 to Burlington, Vermont. The back side of the card shows that there was a previous request for a copy of this build record in May, 1971 from Glens Falls, New York. Scans showing both sides of this build record can be found below.

These scans and several hundred thousand more were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/records/ if you want more details. I hope that you will donate, join or renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See https://www.woodencanoe.org/about to learn more about the WCHA and https://www.woodencanoe.org/shop to donate or renew.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match. Canoes with a family connection are always extra special. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



As I'm very familiar with Burlington, VT I was curious to look into Chiott & Son. The original building housing marine supplies on King St. is now gone, replaced by much larger modern building; a non-profit center for youth. Seen here mid-60's judging by the parked cars.
