Old Town 134744

Jenny Gold

New Member

I was recently given an 18' Old Town canoe and am looking to identify it. I believe that the serial number is 134744, however, it is faint (and it seems there may have been some different numbers scratched over it at some point?) so it could be different. It has spruce gunwales and I was told it was built in the 1920s.

After taking off the old canvas and stripping varnish it looks to be in good shape and I hope to get it back in the water this spring!

Thank you!

Welcome and congratulations, the Old Town canoe with serial number 134744 is an 18 foot long, CS (common sense or middle) grade, HW model with open spruce gunwales, ash decks, ash thwarts, ash, seats, half ribs, a keel, outside stems, sponsons, a mast seat, and a mast step. It was built between February and August, 1942. The original exterior paint color was dark green. It shipped on August 8th, 1942 to Augusta, Maine. A scan of this build record can be found below.

This scan and several hundred thousand more were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others as you probably know well. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/records/ if you want more details. I hope that you will donate, join or renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See https://www.woodencanoe.org/about to learn more about the WCHA and https://www.woodencanoe.org/shop to donate or join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match your canoe. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions. Good luck with the project,


You must also know of course, that there is nothing more expensive than a free boat! Canoes on the other hand, have a tendency to multiply like rabbits after you bring the second one home. Soon you will have a barn full and be unable to explain to friends how that happened. Have fun with the restoration and please keep us posted.
Soon you will have a barn full and be unable to explain to friends how that happened.
The truest words ever about canoes.
I have never managed to find a good way to explain why so many. People just don't seem to understand. At least with bicycles some people will get the concept of aluminum, steel, titanium, carbon fiber, road bike, race bike, climbing bike, mountain bike, full suspension, front suspension, tandem. They glaze over when you start with set up with a triple or compact drive, bar end shift, downtube, grip etc.
The canoes....much more difficult to explain.... it's not quite like collecting stamps or coins, is it.
I have been told that the condition is indescribable and likely never to be diagnosed . There is great hope then as a meaningful prognosis will probably not be a deterrent any time soon....no final coats needed.