Old Racine Canoe?


New Member
I am looking at a canoe on Craigslist with serial number that is stamped into the wood like this: 5602

Does anybody have any idea about this canoe? Thanks.
Seems like a Racine serial number format... and I think this canoe has shown up here in another discussion and was identified as a RacineWis-- the Chippewa has the short one-lobed deck, which-- as I recall-- is the one on craigslist.
As far as I know, there's no known pattern to RacineWis serial numbers. We have one dating from the early 1920s, and we only know that because it belonged to Denis's former in-laws. There's much Racine information in past issues of "Wooden Canoe". Our Chapter had three at one time... a 15, a 16 and an 18... all of them dark green... it was like a set of the nested Russian dolls. The 15 was in original canvas, which you can tell if rivets are in place in the outwales.
