Norumbega Prospectors on the Penobscot

Larry Meyer

Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Steve Lapey and John Fitzgerald are on their way to the West Branch of the Penobscot this morning, being joined on the way by Fitz’s paddling buddy, who is getting the new 18 foot Prospector, “Godzilla.”

It’s an all Prospector trip: Steve in a 16-footer he built himself and Fitz with his 17-footer plus Godzilla makes 3.

Weather looks less than ideal, but likely better than year’s trip in Maine with 4 days of snow, sleet and freezing rain.
We are back

More later. Just a note confirming we are back so not to mobilize Search and Rescue. The weather prognosticators totally missed this one. The weather was magnificent most of the time. Chesuncook winds even cooperated. We were treated to some great wildlife sightings too.

Godzilla performed admirably.


West Branch

Here are a few photos and details. Despite pre-trip forecasts ranging from clouds to all out cold rain, the weather proved to be great for tripping. A total of 4 bugs were killed during the entire trip. Put-in was at Lobster Stream and the take out was 4 days later the Boom House near Ripogenus.

Animal sitings included a bear, mooses, eagles, deer, snake, turtles, salamanders, and a couple domesticated buffalo at Chesuncook.

It didn't take long to put road and trip grime all over the new Voyageur paint job. But the owner was very happy with his new tripping canoe.

I'm sure a more formal trip report will be penned.

Son Brendan, age nine took the last photo of a Chesuncook sunset complete with driki.


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Thanks for the pics! Wish I was there - heck I wish i was anywhere on the water right now.

Fitz, the second thumbnail from the left shows a slat seat that really looks like the one I would like to make for my Prosp. Any chance you could get me a good pic of the seat showing the supports and the whole thing???
If it's a hassle, don't bother.
Seat Hanging

Hi Howard:

That seat is the same one that I posted pictures of in your thread under the "Tips" section.

It hangs from the inwales on carriage bolts. It has dowel spacers that are approximately 1-7/8's inches long. You obviously could adjust this dimension to make your seat higher or lower to suit your preference.

I will shoot a photo, but it may take a few days.
