More floatation devices

Rollin Thurlow

member since 1980
I just received these pictues of some metal bow and stern air tanks. I kind of remember seeing some in one of the old catalogs but I cann't seem to find which one it was. I do not recall ever seen any of these tanks other than in the catalog. does anyone know who use to make these tanks and which boats were they made for or were they just for any general canoe?


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In their early years, the Willits brothers made air tanks for their canoes. These are similar, but the Willits tanks were not recurved like these.
Hi Rollin,

Most of the Peterborough area builders made tanks like that in metal as well as a wood frame, canvassed and filled in the usual manner.

Dick Persson
Buckhorn Canoe Company
Buckhorn, Ontario
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Copper air tanks like that were commonly available from a number of builders as shown on the Old Town build records at and which was displayed at during the WCHA Assembly many years ago. These are also shown at in the Peterborough catalog as Dick mentioned.

I don't know who made them , but I have an 18' Chestnut Ogilvy that was built in the early 50's that had them in it . When I bought the canoe a few years ago from the original owner I was told they were instaled at the factory , larger (longer) decks were put in the canoe to accommodate them .
They look like the ones in the photo and are made of copper .
flotation chambers

I have a Rushton Florida that did have the tanks at both ends, but are gone now. What I wouldn't give to find another pair, I could not mention here. I would fabricate a repro set if I could find the correct ones. Oh, well , winter dreams. Dave DeVivo