dmd421 Debbie Darga Feb 29, 2020 #1 The Michigan Chapter will have a booth at the QAS formally QWS at the Michigan State University Pavilion, Lansing Michigan. We will be in the arena. Stop by and say hello.
The Michigan Chapter will have a booth at the QAS formally QWS at the Michigan State University Pavilion, Lansing Michigan. We will be in the arena. Stop by and say hello.
Dave Wermuth Who hid my paddle? Mar 11, 2020 #2 WE enjoyed the day. A 1919 Kennebec was on display, having been brought back from the dead, or mostly dead. I don't know if there are any photos.
WE enjoyed the day. A 1919 Kennebec was on display, having been brought back from the dead, or mostly dead. I don't know if there are any photos.