Mailing/Membership/Website Management software - Recommendations needed

Brad Fisher

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
Hi guys, what are your chapters using to maintain membership lists and mailing lists, and what are you using for your websites? Our Chapter has been maintaining these things on individual PC mail clients and spreadsheets. I'm looking for a platform aimed at nonprofits that supports these functions in a more robust, transparent and portable format. Thanks!

Brad Fisher
Three Rivers
The Northeast Chapter and the WCHA use simple spreadsheets for this. Many chapters use the server for their websites.

Annie keeps track of the WCHA membership in a spreadsheet. I would occasionally get a copy as webmaster when I needed to confirm a member's request to create a classified listing. I keep an email list for the Northeast chapter and will share a copy when someone needs it. There is very little other tracking going on. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.

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That is a complete answer, thanks, though I was hoping for a magic bullet in the form of a simple, cheap software platform that handles membership management, mailing, etc., that would be available for us to use on a chapter level.

OK, then, spreadsheets it is.
A different organization I belong to uses Wild Apricot. Salesforce is another option. They are not free, though.