Machine-made seat cane strength...


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I just sold a canoe to a fella yesterday, and within 2 hours his butt went through the cane in the aft seat. He is not a heavy guy - less than 190# - and was paddling as normal. This is the 'machine cane' material. I hate the stuff... but that's what the seats were originally. He has removed the seats to send it/them to me, and while I was on the phone with him I had him bounce up and down on the other seat to see if perhaps the weakness in the one seat was a fluke... and he butted through the other seat as well.

The cane I had used was the 'Fine Open 1/2 Mesh' type.

My question to you folks is whether the 'Medium Open 5/8" Mesh' type would be stronger. Was using the 1/2 Mesh just asking for trouble?