Looking for temp storage in Rochester NY or just south.

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
Hi guys. I bought a canoe that needs much attention and my Nephew will be picking it up soon. Does anyone have space I can store it at until I can come get it from Michigan? It’s currently in Honeoye Falls but I can get it to you if somewhat close to there. It’s 15’ long. Not quite sure exactly when I can pick it up at this time.
Thanks in advance,
Chris Pearson
I just stored one temporarily up in Hannawa Falls....out of room here what with my boat and Boxster both inside for the summer.
I can help out if necessary, but it would end up in my Buzzard Hill annex, a barn down near West Sparta. That's about 25 miles SW of where the boat is currently. LMK.
West Sparta is just off 390 so it's not a totally remote location.
You still have a Buzzard Hill option if Howie's porch is already stuffed to the gills.
Will you clue us in on what this 15 foot treasure is? Asking for a friend.