Looking for information on an old town canoe with the serial # 16 49 1113

I was told that this canoe is an old towne canoe, the type that they used for transporting things down river or long distances, and it's the type that is built to not tip over. It's 17' long and it's canvas over wood with 4 varnished slat seats. One seat is at the very end. The end has the type of end that you can put a motor on it,and the plynth block for the motor is even there. Can anyone tell me something about this canoe It's in great shape. It was stored in a dry barn, raised off the ground for the last 50 yrs.Could you tell me a fair market value for a canoe like this? Thank You, Jim Mooney


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There's a post here about deciding on the value of an old canoe :
The Classifieds here are a good way to sell these older canoes; look in them for something similar, to decide how much to ask for it.

All that said, the serial number really isn't a familiar Old Town format, so it's probably from another builder. Somebody should be along presently to give you a better idea. Look in the Dragonfly web site for more information:

Nice boat!
I agree with Dan that this appears to be a White canoe from 1949 that was known as their Outboard Square Stern Canoe model. More information about this and other White models can be found at http://store.wcha.org/The-Historic-...pany-Catalog-Collection-Version-2-CD-ROM.html in their old catalogs. Paul has provided a link to the valuation information although boats with a transom often bring less than a canoe with two pointed ends. Good luck with the sale,
