Looking for information on a Peterborough Canoe

Adam Batt

New Member
Hi there,

I’m looking to find some information on a Peterborough Canoe that belonged to my late father in-law. From what I understand he was given the canoe in 1957 but not sure how old it was when he got it. I have found the Serial number and attached a picture. Rough measurements are 16’ in length, 33” wide and 13-14” deep.

thanks in advance!!
The "C" in the serial number suggests that this canoe was built in the Chestnut Canoe Company factory and had a PCC decal applied on shipping - this was common amongst the Canadian big three - Chestnut, Peterborough, and Canadian Canoe Company, which were all owned by the same holding company.

The C designation was used for commercial canoes (as opposed to pleasure) and so your canoe may be a Prospector, Cruiser, etc.