Help identifying canoe

Hello forum,
Our company is opening a new hotel called the Hotel Canoe & Suites in Banff, Alberta and we are mounting three canoes in the lobby. One was purchased used in Banff. The original owner said that they purchased it used in the 1970s.

I am wondering if you could help me find more information about this 16' long canoe. There is a sticker that appears to look like an indigenous head dress and face and then I can read the words… “Indian canoes manufacturing”.

Expert Benson Gray has already reviewed the pictures with this comment: "My guess is that you have what is generically known as a ‘Huron Canoe’ from Quebec. There have been many builders from that area under various names." This quite probable that the canoe is from Quebec. One of the letters I can identify in the sticker is a 'Q'. Mr. Gray passed on a link to Huron canoe and I noted this line: "They generally used fairly poor quality wood." and I have noted some rot.


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Believe you have a canoe build by Maurice Picard, branded as " M.P. Indian Canoes Manufacturing". Here is what an intact intact would look like...

Picard canoe vinyl label.JPG

It is indeed a "Huron" canoe built in Quebec where there were a cluster of builders operating out of Village des Hurons (now Wendake), including Picard. The Library and Archives of Canada have some photos (taken in 1969) of operations at the Picard shop. See link below:

Apparently one of the sons, Maurice Picard Jr., is still building although they are wood & clear fiberglass covered. His work was part of an exhibit at the Huron Wendat Museum back in 2021:
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You're welcome. Good luck with the hotel. Hope you'll post some pictures of the canoes in your lobby once all is set up.