hello from France , wood & canvas unknow


Curious about Wooden Canoes
bonjour d'entre Paris et Disney Land,(ALCEDO ATTHIS for Kingfisher ) je n'ai pas trouvé le fil de discussion pour présenter, désolé pour mon mauvais anglais, mais je ne veux pas tout traduire avec Google... je suis à la retraite, j'ai 63 ans et demi, ma femme est japonaise, et nous aimons le canotage, sur la Marne ou sur la Seine ...(J'ai écrit et c'est traduit automatiquement en français dans quelques instants , cool , J'espère que c'est la même chose au-dessus de la mer)
ça a commencé en 2015 avec un "canoë de casse" en aluminium, je le restaure, et après, je trouve un bois & toile, un inconnu, près de la Marne où il y avait pas mal de constructeurs de canoës, mais le mien est un 14 pieds, pas en mètres comme en France et construit avec des planches de cèdre, des plaques de nervures et des demi-côtes, ce n'est certainement pas du Frenchie. les demi-côtes sont spéciales, comme des lances...
Donc je ne sais pas qui est le constructeur, et d'où vient-il, USA ou Canada.
que toi d'avoir regardé et peut-être une réponse
sorry , I dont think to édit , so ......................

hello from Paris & Disney land (Alcedo atthis for kingfischer), I dont find the thread to introduce me , sorry for my bad english , but I dont want to all translate with google ... I'm retired , 63 and half years old , my wife is japanese and we like canoing on Marne or Seine ....
it' began in 2015 with an aluminium junkyard canoe and after , I find a wood & canvas , an unknow near the Marne near the ancient canoe and boat builder , the mine is a 14 feets , not in meters like frenchies , the half ribs are spécial like spears , so I dont know the builder and wher did it come from , USA or Canada
than you for the wiew , and maybe an anser


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Désolé pour les erreurs , le forum n'est pas comme le français ........
Quand je l'ai acheté, il n'y avait pas d'assise dessus donc je fais les trois avec des bâtons de frêne achetés aux puces, du cuir de canapé brut pour "babiche"...
Je l'utilise une saison, mais la toile était trop vieille, elle s'est fissurée, donc cette année je l'ai reconstruit.......
no picture now , sad cloudy time ...............

sorry for the mistakes , the forum is not like in France
when I bought it , thère is no seat , so I built three with ash wood sticks bought in flea market and rawhide from buffalo street junk sofa ...
after a season the canvas crack , to old so this year , I re built it
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encore une chose , sur le côté des ponts , il y a des morceaux de bois , collés , peut être le propriétaire français avant , si c'était d'origine , c'est cloué
et maintenant, je les ai cloués, "trop tard", trop tard non, je ne mets pas de plats-bords
alors imaginez avec et sans ça des petits bouts de bois sur le côté des ponts pour essayer de reconnaître ce canoë
et aussi, les demi-tiges de chaque côté, peut-être pour attacher les bagages (pas sur tous les canoës)


one thing more , some pieces of wood glued on side of the decks , maybe the frenche owner before , if its' original maybe it's nailed
so with or without ?
And an half rod on the side , maybe for tiying luggages (not on every canoes)
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If my French were better, I would translate these posts, but someone else is going to have to do it.
Interesting canoe....
sorry for the language , (and the mistakes )it 's automatic with google chrome I think , it was translate when I wrote.
I Must be more carreful now , and send what I wrote in english only
So I leave near Paris and I find this wood and canvas near the old canoes builders near the Marne ( the river)...
14fts , half ribs like spars , no builder plate , or holes or serial number . the planking and material are typical from Usa or Canada .
on the side of decks , some pieces of wood vhere glued and not nailed , maybe after building, we must also imagine without.
The canvas was too old , and it crack , so I rebuilt it now with new canvas (an old roof tarp )
there is no seat when I bought this canoe , so I rebuilt them in ash wood find in flea market and rawhide from old buffalo sofa (little mistakes in weaving)(we have no material seller for that in France )
I know by an old man that Cavé , (a boat and canoe builder ) has imported américan canoe by past , maybe a path ?
tank you Worth Gretter for your answer
Dom/ kingfisher/alcedo atthis ..... do at this
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Bienvenu, et bonne chance avec votre bateau.
Probably as much French as I can manage right now. There are many old canoes of uncertain origin. Maybe someone on this forum can help you identify it.
thank you John Sand ...
without canvas 15 days ago and today, the last paint I hope , the can is empty
and on other side my first canoe , no paint this time , 8 years 3 colours ... just inside , but it's an aluminium 30'40' /50'...
so you can see the planking on the wood witout canvas


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Your canoe has some interesting features (which may help identify the builder):
1) a large amount of tumblehome
2) very narrow decks (due in part to the tumblehome)
3) thwarts: I know you said you made the seats, but were there thwarts before?
I think the finished product has a great deal of character!

And you prefer to be addressed as Dom, or Kingfisher, or Alcedo Attis?

it's the second time you answer to me you can use dom as well ;)
I must traducing "tumblehome" and "narrow" , (so poor english :rolleyes: )so the decks are narrow but the canoe have a belly ,i dont find that on others ...
why did I built 3 seats , and not thwarts ? THE HOLES ! four holes on every seat place , the seats or thwarts where sawed as you can see on the first post pictures o_O
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yes of course , my wife is a little afraid for her and his camera so she seat on the under deck , but in normal use she has no place ,so , I return the canoe and she can stretch her legs , me on rear place ,and she have a little table to put her white wine glass , ("guinguette oblige") the challenge is to not make the glass fell down and mine to , it's never arrive ;)
I seat on her normaly place, the gravity center is better ... In solo , I am in the middle .
Your canoe has some interesting features (which may help identify the builder):
1) a large amount of tumblehome
2) very narrow decks (due in part to the tumblehome)
3) thwarts: I know you said you made the seats, but were there thwarts before?
I think the finished product has a great deal of character!

And you prefer to be addressed as Dom, or Kingfisher, or Alcedo Attis?

maybe you are in the right , today I notice two more holes by seat , no 4 holes , but 6 , but why doing that ? maybe changing original thwarts for caned seats , (no rawhide here for our canoes , typical north america ) this is also an enigma , they can use the two holes ands do two others ...
* sawed caned seats to be used for home decoration since ...
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