Grumman canoe photos

Greg Nolan

If anyone has high resolution digital photos of Grumman canoes, preferably showing the Grumman logo or name, that they have taken themselves (not from an internet source), we would appreciate receiving a copy, for possible use in history background section of the "Modern Classics" video we are preparing. Do not post the pictures here -- pictures of sufficient resolution cannot be posted here.

Use email at to contact me.


Specifically Grummans? Or any aluminium canoes?

I can get Alumacraft images easily; Grummans are a bit more difficult to find... or maybe people just don't paddle them much any more?
Paul, thanks. We would prefer Grumman, but if we cant get them, others such as Alumacraft will be useful.

I suspect the relative availability of the various brands has to do with geography -- there seem to be plenty of Grumman's up in Maine (judging by Craigs list ads) and not so many Alumacraft or Michicraft boats. "Grumman" seems to have become something of a generic term, at leaast in the east, like kleenex or xerox.
