Free strips on the Texas Gulf Coast


New Member

I have a bunch of strips that Skip Johnson gave to me when he retired from boatbuilding (I can't post links since I'm a new member but if you search "Skip Johnson canoe building" you'll find a bunch of videos about him). These are bead and cove, a few 20' bundles, a few 12', and a few 8' bundles. They're a mix of dark and light mahogany that Skip got milled when he was in Central America for some canoe races. They're very nice, clear, very light, easy to work with. Skip built a bunch of race winning canoes out of this stuff. His bo
ats hold a lot of the records for canoe races in Texas, Alaska, and in Belize.

Anyway, he gave them to me a few years ago so I could build some boats, but I've become sensitized to epoxy. I am realistically never going to build a stripper canoe. So they're just taking up room in my shop.

They're in Lake Jackson, south of Houston. If you want them, shoot me an email at uaneill at gmail dot com. If no one claims them by Monday I'm chopping them up and putting them out for bulk trash, which would be a shame.




Good luck with them, thanks for trying to share.
You might also post on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. The risk is that some people can't resist free stuff, but anywhere is better than a landfill.