Finished at last

Tom Wiarda

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Here are some pictures of my completed 1939 OT Yankee. It was my first canoe restore and I benefited a lot from the information I received from this forum. It turned out good and I learned as I went along. If I ever do another one I'm sure it will turn out better. The maiden voyage was a short paddle with my son on the Rogue River in Rockford Michigan. Thanks again for all the help. Tom


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Nice work, Tom-- looks beautiful, and its great seeing her in the water! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

There is nothing more fun than paddling a canoe you have restored. It is just one of "those" things that has to be savored. Great job!
Great job! You need to join our Michigan Chapter, or have you already? We have a blast together. I live in Holland so feel free to call me if you want to go paddling. :)
Dan, I'll dig out his contact info and some old newsleters for Saturday. Whatever you do, mark the Quiet Water Symposium on your calender. March 2010.