Filler Cure Time - Winter?


Canoe Grampa
I'm restoring an Old Town OTCA CS grade and applied a traditional oil based filler last Fall, purchased from Kirby Paints, (Bill Clements formula I think?). There were not enough warm days to allow the full 6 weeks to cure before winter came. The canoe has been stored in my outdoor shop, dry but not heated since then. Will it cure over the Winter and if not how long should I give it once it warms up in the Spring? I would like to get sanding and painting as soon as possible come warmer weather.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Kirby's filler dries in a warm shop in 3 weeks or so. I know some people like to wait longer. If it's really cold it might no cure at all in freezing temps. Scrape it with your fingernail if you can't dig out a chunk of filler it's good.
Thanks David, it has definitely been below freezing, we set some records here in Canada for cold weather in January. I'll wait till Spring and try your fingernail test. On another note would you recommend what to use on the ends where the canvas has been folded over. I used the BAKOR product on the canvas where it overlaps not realising that the filler wont adhere to it then, leaving a rough edge. I'll put stem bands on after painting with bedding compound but I need to smooth out the edges of the canvas as they get to this point. I need some kind of filler I can sand? Any ideas?
Thanks again, Gary
Any good two part filler should work.... one with a hardener. So you can shape and sand it. I use a minwax filler with a tube of hardener. 3m high strength filler . I get my stuff from jamestown distributors.
I am working in South Jersey in an unheated garage ,well unheated when I'm not out there . I run a small propane heater when I am. I just filled mine canoe last weekend temps were in the 50s, higher in the garage. The surface set hard in 2 days. I have sponsons to put back, canvas and fill them. I plan on cleaning up all the parts while waiting on warm weather. By Spring about 8 -10 weeks will have passed. Just maybe it will be ready for completion.
Thanks, good to hear I'm not the only one crazy enough to work on canoes in the cold! I just can't stay away from them, perhaps I need to put up walls on my workshop for the winter months?
I thought about that but decided not to. Our winters are nothing like yours and like you say I can't stay away I just retired . Once I put my first restoration job in the lake for the first time in 20 some years I was hooked all over again. I 've had this 2nd canoe sitting on horses in my garage for equally as long truthfully I never thought I'd tackle it. It floated and had 0 structure issues all cosmetic. After 75 some years it had lots of paint on it with deep cracks all over. It was ugly even more so sitting next to a fully restored Otca. I'm so glad I'm doing it again. From what im reading here we not alone.
Hi, like you I'm soon to be retired (3 months) from our fire department and I built myself a post and beam shop in the backyard to putter away on my canoes. I've stockpiled 5 old cedar canvas canoes in need of various repairs to keep me busy for awhile. I just need to finish up a 1915 OTCA CS grade 18' Old Town that will be a birthday present for a good friend. Waiting patiently for warmer weather. I enjoy this forum though lots of great tips and stories!
I have a big barn that's a little warm if I keep the fire going. I do have a heated paint and varnish room though. I do this for a living ( a modest living). I'm not sure about this retirement stuff, I've heard people talk about it. I don't think I have anything like that. :)
[QUOTE="I'm not sure about this retirement stuff, I've heard people talk about it. I don't think I have anything like that. :)[/QUOTE]

I call it the "Freedom 95" plan.
Ha, retiring from the work force so I have more time to do the things I enjoy most, like anything with old wood canoes! Just braved the cold long enough to sand and drill the canoe seats so I can cane them inside, see photo attached.


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Actually semi retired I run an anntiqe website ect. most business is conducted via USPS from home.
I always have projects. Sold my 70 chevt PU best thing ive done in a while it frees up a lot of space for puttering around. A post and beam,wow. I ve got a cinderblock garage and workshop only propane heat when I'm working. I did my first canoe in a 1890s carriage house but that way the 10 fooot ceiling 2 baby 3 stall and 2 tack rooms,was heater in my youth. I had a workshop and room for canoes,cars and horses. I'm really missing it on this project particularly. I could,strech canvas in and wall anywhere.