Feather Weight White 20 Footer?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Does anyone know if White Canoe made 20 footer that only weights ~75 lbs with beam about 36", and depth 12". I saw a 1921 price list of E.M. White canoes provided by Mr. Gray in one of the threads. The feather weight model stops at 18.5. The canoe I am interested in would fit in the model line if White had ever produced a 20 footer.


White offered several 20 foot canoes so could have easily built a feather-weight version even though they never listed one in their catalogs. Most builders would complete special orders upon request.

Thanks for the response. The beam of White 20 is 40" (from 1921 catalog). Is it possible that White made this specific canoe (36" beam) from a mold of 40" beam, or White used 18.5' (or 18') mold and extended the length? I am wondering if White catalogs of other years shows a model close to the dimension 20'x36"x12" of this particular canoe.

Thanks. Jen
Is it possible that White made this specific canoe (36" beam) from a mold of 40" beam, or White used 18.5' (or 18') mold and extended the length? I am wondering if White catalogs of other years shows a model close to the dimension 20'x36"x12" of this particular canoe.

Yes, the White catalogs before 1920 listed 20 foot canoes that were narrower as shown below.

More information about this and other White models can be found in the catalogs contained on the Historic Wood Canoe and Boat Company Catalog Collection CDs available from http://www.wcha.org/catalog/ and http://www.dragonflycanoe.com/cdrom.htm on the web.



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