Facebook Page, Show your enthusiasm!

Robert P. Ross

Ross Bros
As you all may know social networking pages are quickly becoming a major part of our information super high way. I have created an event page on Facebook for member to show their commitment to coming to this event. This is not the actual sing up but your stamp of approval will encourage others to attend. All of us here in the northeast quadrant are very excited about having this event in New England once again. We hope to make it a successful event attracting new members and public interest in our club. Please show your support today by clicking to attend this years Assembly. Don’t hesitate to invite your friends also.

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Annual Assembly 2010



Robert P. Ross
Ross Bros.
PO Box 60277
Florence, MA 01062


  • Assembly2010 web image.jpg
    Assembly2010 web image.jpg
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Let's get this page moving, only 25 committed guests. Send your friends invites.

The number of responses reflects only those who participate in such social networking sites. I don't, but will certainly be attending Assembly.

On the other hand, both of our daughters (different surname than mine) may have posted something there. That also skews the numbers.
Thanks for the clarification Rob. Yes, there will be hundreds there regardless. Strangely enough I've coaxed a few friends that aren't members to come check it out.

Yes I believe my daughter Anna picked up on that and friended them.

Robert P. Ross
Ross Bros.
PO Box 60277
Florence, MA 01062

ARGH! What to do, what to do. For quite some time I have resisted my wife's efforts to get me involved in social networking shanannigins such as Facebook. This forum and a very few elite others are about as far as I go. But hey, NPR is there, and now WCHA? Could it be that I am am missing something?
I joined at the encouragement of my children... and it's nice, because I can "see" them (those who live closest to me are 8 hours away) and engage in interesting exchanges. For instance: one daughter will occasionally share the first lines of a familiar poem or song lyric, and I finish it... and that makes me smile. It's "touching base" in a way that is simple and quick, but meaningful for us.

Also, I scan old family pictures and enjoy it when one of my girls chooses a picture I've scanned as her avatar (I chose one taken by my youngest daughter as my facebook avatar).

I do like the NPR updates and the latest pics from Ely MN's Lily the Black Bear site... and like seeing friendly faces of WCHA members. I voted for Betty White to appear on SNL. But I skip playing Farmville.

As with anything else on line (including this place), you can participate as little or as much as you choose... or just watch, see who's out there.
Could it be that I am am missing something?

The short answer is yes but the larger question is do you really care? There is also a Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=219179608982 titled Fans of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association and a LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1752247&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr for the WCHA. I am a member of both but find much more interesting messages and discussion right here in the WCHA forums although I am probably biased.

My intention was not to promote Facebook it was to promote the WCHA. I’m not asking anyone to join a social networking group. I do know a lot of you already belong to this and others. I’m just asking if you do belong, this another avenue to get the word out. If you think your living of the grid just Google your name, phone number, or email address.

Robert P. Ross
Ross Bros.
PO Box 60277
Florence, MA 01062

