early season paddle


"Just one more"
I'm looking to get out this weekend for a short paddle. Does anyone know if Walden Pond is ice free yet? thanks

I'm looking to get out this weekend for a short paddle. Does anyone know if Walden Pond is ice free yet? thanks

I have not been by in a few days, but I suspect the ice is still in. Concord, Assabet and Sudbury rivers are very high, but you could likely poke through the wide marshy areas easily enough.

My spies in Concord inform me that Walden Pond is ice free today... just as 160 years ago.

"This pond never breaks up so soon as the others in this neighborhood, on account both of its greater depth and its having no stream passing through it to melt or wear away the ice...It commonly opens about the first of April..."
-From "Walden" by Henry Thoreau; 1854