Design question regarding bark canoes, please?

Canuck Bob

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I am looking at bark canoe designs to see if a SOF can be built from these designs.

I am wondering if there is a reason that strong upsweep of the sheer at the stems? Is it decorative only or is there a purpose that is not obvious to me. It seems that these boats were elegant and simple so why the extra work to build the high stems? My Prospector is a bear for my shabby paddling skills in the wind and adding the small sails to the stems perplexes me.
I built this one in 2011. It is based on a 1910 St. Francis bark canoe. I got the free plans from - Mike Wootton


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There are many bark canoe designs that don't have high ends so you may want to pick one that better suits your requirements. The Penobscot canoe shown at is reasonably flat for example. My understanding is that the ones with high ends were intended to keep the canoe high enough off the ground when inverted to be a partial shelter at night. Take a look at the Beothuk canoes at if you want to see a really unusual profile. Good luck,

Thanks, I asked this because of searching paddling light's site. I've contacted then for more info. I recently reran Cesar's Bark Canoe and the idea of a sof look-a-like for the girls took hold.

Divedog that is exactly what I'm considering. Could you elaborate on modifying the lines, building details, after build satisfaction, and weight, etc., please. A beautiful build, you must be justifiably proud of that. Any pics of paddling it? I picture my girls and I maybe building a couple of Paddling Light plans Tetes de Boules hunter's canoe to a far cruder standard.

B. G. - The high ends for a shelter makes a ton of sense. Now I think I read somewhere years ago that is why the big trading canoes also had the high stems.
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