Hello, I just bought my second cedar rib, near Paris France. The boat has the importer's plaque "Importé par l' Agence des Manufactures Américaines, Paris, 54 boulevard Haussman". Since Charles André became the sole importer in 1901 until at least WW2, it was probably imported before 1901. The boat is 14'9" long and very wide, 38". It is in pretty good shape, and show no distortion. I have not found any cedar rib with similar dimensions on any old catalogue, neither Charles André's from 1929, nor on the list published on the net by DragonFly Canoes. The thwarts look original, and so do the thwart tags but they are quite small with no inscription. The boat was converted for sculling at some point, just by adding a few pieces of hardware on the keel and gunwhales. I have started to strip what's left of the old varnish. Thanks for any assistance,


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