Canoe Storage Solution.


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In Memoriam
Well, Trippin' Bud Dave has outdone himself this time. I told him I needed a storage solution to get SWMCN (she who married canoe nut) off of my case. Well, we came up with this rack, he spent some time fabricating it, and we bolted it together today. Now, I have all of this free space I don't know what to do with!! SWMCN has her eye on the space already, so I should probably throw a space holding project in the gap before she gets wise to the matter. I have been working on her kayak project for years...hmmmn..PERFECT place holder!!:D

I owe Trippin' Bud Dave a couple of weekends or so on his 20 ft Chestnut Ogilvy Pool.


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That is one heckuva nice rack! I built a wooden, 2-canoe rack with storage underneath for a kayak last fall. Now I need to find tall wheels to improve portability and clearance. Thanks for the idea.

Get Busy!!

Way to go on getting space organized Best thing to do is to fall back into your old ways and fill that space up with canoes. Better halves have living rooms and such for their stuff -kayaks included.
Did not know that the term "Nice Rack" could be applied to canoe storage units ,learn something every day
(thanks for the bday wish awhile ago)
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Very Nice Fitz,

I like the use of the Uni-Channel and I REALLY like the casters under it.

I've built a couple out of wood but they are heavy and hard to move. For the next, I just may have to copy this one.

I sure like your rack - [ well that sounds a bit perverse]. Would it be possible for you to list the components and where you got them? Not sure we will have all those things here in the U.P. Thanks.
Denis :confused: