Canoe ID help please

Len Guralnick

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I'm trying to identify this canoe for a friend whose husband passed away.
16 ft, 35 1/2" beam, approx 12" height, no rocker or keel, 2 thwarts, very
>slight or no tumblehome Note the wooden spacer on the seat which
>appears original. The other seat is fixed directly to the rails without
>spacers of any type. The decks appear original and the inboard cut out
>part of the deck is shaped on the underside
>(undercut) if you follow what I mean. You can see this in the photo.
>The boat appears to have minimal damage except for the decks and stem
>area adjacent to the decks, which look bad.
It may have come from a camp in Canada (Lake Temagami) not
>sure of spelling. The man who owned the canoe had worked at this camp.
>I can email higher definition photos, but I had to compress them for this forum.
>Thanks for any help you can offer. If you're able to ID it and can
>comment on value that would also be appreciated.


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