Annual Norumbega Father's Day Paddle


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In Memoriam
On Sunday, June 16, 2013 we will have our ninth annual Father's Day paddle on the Sudbury and Concord rivers, from Sherman's Bridge on the Lincoln/Sudbury line to the Old North Bridge in Concord. Starting time will be 9:00 am at the bridge, it is about an 8 mile paddle to Concord.

Bring a lunch, we will spend some time at the National Park.

Plan on arriving at Sherman's Bridge at about 8:15 to allow us to do a car shuttle to the take out.

It is a flatwater paddle, but the river is very high as a result of all the recent rain, so we will have no shortage of water to float boats on. The forecast suggests a nice day in store for the event.

Bring out the family and the fleet. Let me know if you have any questions.
