An old paddle & questions


Curious about Wooden Canoes
A number of years ago, I was given this paddle from an estate settlement in Florida. I am curious what anyone can tell me about it other than what I can see for myself. It is 72" long, blade is 6" wide, shaft is 1 1/8" x 7/8". The blade is 1/4" thick at the end, 1/8" at the edges, and 29" from tip to the wrapping. I think the wood is maple. The decoration is burned in and then painted.


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Your paddle belonged to an American Canoe Association member. The ACA burgee is on the left. The burgee on the right is for the Toledo Canoe Club.

You should be able to match up the initials in the monogram to a member of the ACA/Toledo CC in the membership roles printed in ACA yearbooks.
Thanks for the burgee ID. Where can I find the ACA yearbooks? So far, I have not found an online browsable version.
I am not aware of any that have been digitized. They can be found in various museum and archive collections in various states of completeness, for example the NYS Historical Society in Cooperstown, Adirondack Museum, Mystic Seaport, Antique Boat Museum, etc.

I have a good run of them from the mid teens to mid 1920s, as well as an 1880s and some others. I took a quick look and didn't find any likely candidates. In a late teens yearbook, the Toledo CC is said to have 50 members, but if they are listed in the ACA list, they are not associated with their club.

Sometimes the owner put his ACA membership number on the paddle. I don't see one in the photos, but you might look for one.