Paul Bruce
Curious about Wooden Canoes
It was both an honour and a privilege to acquire this beautiful (almost fully original) Peterborough Mermaid canoe today, from it's original owner. It was purchased for him, new, by his Grandfather when he was a 12-year-old boy scout in 1960 or 61 (he couldn't perfectly recall). He sparingly used it, carefully stored it and lovingly cared for it ever since. The only changes, since new, were 1 professional paint job on the canvas and he put a coat of varnish on the seats, here and there, himself. Even the attached rope is the only one he ever had on it and he fastened it there, using a braiding technique he learned in scouts. The gentleman was emotional when I drove away waving thank-you and good-bye, but he was happy knowing that it will be cared for and gently used for years to come.
I am elated and very proud to call this beauty my own. Thanks for viewing...
I am elated and very proud to call this beauty my own. Thanks for viewing...