# 7 Brass 1 3/4 Wood Screws


Reading Dave Osborn's post about tracking Frearson Drive hardware it reminds me of the problems I've had trying to track down number 7 brass slotted screws longer than one and one half inches... I am trying to keep the hardware on the boat I'm working on original. I don't want to open the holes in the inside rails ...but I may need to use 8's.
Brass slotted 1 3/4 are are available in 6 and 8 but not 7.
I would use Silicon Bronze but they are also skip over 7.

Does anyone have a source or absent that, any idea why the screw makers skip over this size?
I wish...twos will run right out of the outside rails. I've got some sixes inbound and I will see if they do the job, if not, perhaps twos with the tips removed might work? I"ll get back to you in that case. I appreciate the help...