Hi all,
Long time listener, first time caller...
Requesting any and all help identifying the builder and timeframe of this boat.
I just purchased it from a couple in NH that couldn't tell me too much about it. Some Google searches are showing me that this boat has changed hands several times...
I’m looking for help in identifying the period, decade or timeframe in which a Robertson Canoe might have been built.
The canoe is a Robertson model, and has a simple thin font SN# on stems of both the bow “o2523o 17” and stern “o2523o”. Note, there is no following length number on stern...
Hi all,
I am new to these forums as I came across them researching an old canoe I recently inherited from my grandfather. It appears to be a J.R. Robertson courting canoe, which was probably bought new by my grandfather or his father sometime in the early 1900's. My grandfather used it...