penn yan

  1. jam010148

    1946 Penn Yan 15ft Hunter Canoe

    Hi All - I am starting a restoration of a 1946 Penn Yan 15 ft hunter canoe and need some parts. There is only one seat (other lost) and it is with a plywood insert instead of cane - correct? I need the bow seat. If you have one and would like to sell it, please let me know. Else, if you can...
  2. B

    Car topper materials list and specs two things

    Hello everyone, my friend came into a penn yan car topper. There is quite a bit of restoration to do. Several ribs need to be rebuilt, the rub rail is a memory etc. aside from measuring to duplicate the size of pieces. I was wondering two things. Does anyone know where I can find a materials...
  3. Shari Gnolek

    Extra short tack between the ribs on Penn Yan

    I am removing the original canvas from a Penn Yan Owasco. As usual, there are two tacks holding the canvas at every rib. But then halfway between each rib there is a much shorter tack that only goes through the planking and appears to be clinched. The photo shows examples of the longer tacks...
  4. Shari Gnolek

    Penn Yan paint pattern resources from 1948-1960

    Does anyone have any resources they can recommend to help me identify the original paint colors/pattern on Penn Yan canoes built between 1948 and the early 1960s? I've searched the forum, and the WCHA store without luck. Any catalog examples, photos, or book recommendations would be greatly...
  5. Howie

    Penn Yan Rainbow completed...

    Another Penn Yan Rainbow completed. This one is a 17 footer, serial # RCS-263. The canoe was in rather ugly shape when the owner brought it to me - the usual damage at the tips plus a heavy fiberglass job. But all the rib tips were in excellent shape, no broken ribs, and unbroken inwales. And...
  6. Howie

    Looking for parts & info on sailing rig

    I just picked up a sailing rig for a Penn Yan canoe. The boom & sprit measure about 116" each, so I calculate it would fit the 45 square foot 'Breeze' rig mentioned in Penn Yan's catalogue. Here's some other pics: I'm missing some stuff. Can anyone give me help finding... * The two...
  7. Howie

    Penn Yan Rainbow Outwale Profile

    I'll shortly be starting on restoring another 1940's Penn Yan Rainbow. Its outwales have significant damage and will need replacing, but there's enough there to allow me to take measurements. And I'm wondering how to make 'em to be like the originals. In addition to the above Rainbow I...
  8. Howie

    Need Penn Yan seat screws! And a case of missing screw holes...

    Just picked up a Penn Yan Rainbow (RN51277). The poor thing has had a hard life & it's my job to restore it. The thwarts are there, but it's missing seats and screws. I can make the seats easy - the screws are another matter. Anybody want to part with 8 Frearson 12-24 flat heads? BYW, one...
  9. S

    Penn Yan Canoe # RNS 6144

    I believe the R = Rainbow, N =16', S = spruce gunwales, 44= year built. I don't know what the 61 means. I wonder if there are construction characteristics specific to 1944 or the era. One such example that my Rainbow exhibits is a plywood filler in place of cane on the seats, which...