lobster lake

  1. J

    Lobster Lake, Penobscot River Corridor, North Maine Woods

    Brasenia, our 14-foot cedar strip canoe, slipped quietly onto the dark surface of Lobster Stream just a little after 4 pm. We'd been traveling for about 7 hours to reach the put-in just above where Lobster Stream's largely slack current enters the West Branch of the Penobscot. We could have made...
  2. head4obx

    50 Miler: Lobster Lake, Penobscot, Chesuncook

    This past summer in August I completed a Boy Scout 50 miler trip around Lobster Lake, then using the Penobscot to go into the Chesuncook Lake. The trip was very nice, and not too crowded. We did get on the water early each morning so we found a new site by noon, and found we were well ahead of...