Paint problem


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Just finished applying a fourth coat of epiphanes and the finish looks really excellent except in one spot where the paint will not stick to the filler. Any suggestions?
Try lightly "degreasing" that area with laquer thinner or maybe a bit of denatured alcohol. Then lightly sand in a circular pattern with a 180 or 220 grit to improve the "bite" in the area. Prime carefully and make sure the primer is dry, scuff it lightly and blend in your top coats. That should work and yes it is time consuming. But what is a little more time given all that you have spent. Good luck and think about happy paddling in the future.
Sounds like silicone got on there...
I waterproofed some mukluks with a silicone product in the workshop over the winter, and the mist from the overspray must have settled in on a canoe It created fish eyes in the paint. Sanding and thinner, and I think I used denatured alchohol, too... Eventually it worked out.
Good Luck