Old Town Info Needed


New Member
I'm looking to purchase this canoe for $600. It's reported to be in good shape, but has been glassed. It's almost a three hour drive to look at it some want my ducks in a row. The seller is selling it for a very elderly neighbor and knows little about the canoe. I've asked for a serial number. Anyone know what model and approx. year I'm looking at? Any information would be helpful.


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Whenever I see fiber glass wrapped up over the tips of the gunnels and decks, I have to wonder what it is hiding.
This canoe probably needs tip work as previously suggested. The decks are the modern style so it was built after the 1940s unless they are replacements. The carry handles indicate that it probably had sponsons originally (unless these were added later as well due to the extra weight of the fiberglass). The roundness of the hull indicates that it is probably an HW model. You haven't said where you are located or indicated the rarity of wooden canoes in that area. I hate to discourage anyone from saving an old canoe but this isn't a $600 canoe that I would drive three hours to see in New England. You may find the information at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?57 helpful. Good luck,

As Benson said, this canoe had sponsons. If one looks closely at one of the pics, the filled interior screw holes appear to be visible. The decks look relatively new based on their color. the fiberglass over the tips guarantees tip rot. I'm closer to this canoe than you, and don't believe that it is a $600 canoe. The good thing about it is that it is 16' long, and a 16' HW is a good paddling canoe.