Forest and Stream

Ken Cupery

Fan of the 19th Century
Can anyone direct me to an on-line source for old issues of Forest and Stream? Of course I'm most interested in "free" and "searchable".

I'm interested in issues from about 1880 to 1930 but will settle for what I can get.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide.

Thanks for the suggestion.

My local library (Rochester NY) does not have them in microform (remember that?) nor in the database services that they subscribe to. I think one or more of the local universities may have access, so I'm going to try to discuss this with their librarians. I'm hopeful we can work something out.
For our collective information (FOCI, I suppose):

I have discovered a good selection of Forest and Stream at They have a number of other unusual publications in their library (have you ever heard of "Sweep and Sail" for example?). They have a reasonably good search engine as well!

You are free to browse and read without an account. If you want to download individual pages in PDF format you need a "friend account" from the U of Mich., but the account is free & reasonably easy to get. There are instructions on the site.

If you are lucky enough to have an account through a member institution, you can download entire books. (All of the above subject to copyright restrictions).