decal application

Mark Adams

all wood nut
Hi All,

It has been forever since I have needed to use an Old Town decal. Back when, they were peel and stick. Now they are waterslide. I know when I decal a model, I generally seal the decal after application. So, the question is, do I put a coat of varnish over the OT decal on the 50pounder I am wrapping up?

I put one coat of varnish over the decal.....
Sand it first a little, apply the decal, then varnish. Sometimes I varnish the gunwales and both decks at the same time. Sometimes I just mask off the deck that the decal is applied to.
Hi Dave,

Thanks! I had a bit of fun with the decal when it split in half as I was moving it into position, but the parts matched up so I pressed onwards!
I have had a few break, too. Sometimes you can save them, sometimes ya can't. My advice is to not rush the soaking and keep them stored in a protective cardboard before you use them.