A Call to WCHA Geezers!!

Rich Briere

Rich Briere
A warm hello to all of my buds from a few years back. I hope that Rich Green is still treading water and that all of the great people that I worked with at Assembly's are still enjoying paddling.

I married a rocket scientist, Diane Bollen, a few years back and we hope to get up to the next gathering. Of course, I've said that for the past few years and haven't made it, but please know that my heart still belongs to wooden canoes. Three of Jerry's boats and a 1914 Old Town "Charles River" spend each night sleeping in my barn and Diane and I took the Willow and the WilloWisp out on New Years Day this year.

Each year we paddle somewhere around 500-600 miles with friends here in the Southern Tier of New York. Our first planned trip for this year will be next month.

Peace to Each of You,

Rich Briere