592347 serial # search

The WCHA Build records only (ONLY!?) cover the first 210,000 numbers - about the late 1970's. Benson may have access to some of the modern ones, but you may have to contact OT directly.
The scanned records only go up to 210999 so no one here can tell you much about your serial number 592347 as Mike mentioned. The Old Town Canoe Company is most likely to respond to a serial number request if you send them the number, a check for three dollars, and mention part number 01.1332.0100 which is shown at http://oldtown.wcha.org/parts.html as "BUILD RECORD HISTORY RESEARCH."

The Coast Guard's identification number will start with XTC and the last two digits should be the year when it was shipped. They issued serial number 500,000 in 1995 as described at http://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/models.html so my guess is that your canoe is probably from 1995 or 1996.

Feel free to reply there or here if you have any other questions.

Thanks Benson for your reply. I think we went thru this before and I have the numbers wrong again!:(* This boat is a 39-41 Old Town square stern that was purchased in Medway at Barry,s place. It is now restored and now the numbers are completely unreadable and while the procedure to get an assigned number isnt that much of a problem, My friend and fellow restorer would have loved to have used the original build numbers...I did a search quite a while back and you came up with the right numbers and it had originally been Shipped to Sears Roebuck in New York I believe...I lost the response and build record with a new computer installed and he didnt print out the copy of the build record...it was definitely way back about 2-3 years ago...thanks for trying to you all... and all who read this...please remember....."Pray for guidance....but ALWAYS paddle away from the rocks!";)
This version of the serial number forum dates back to November of 2004 so you may want to poke around with the search function to see if you can find it here. The chart at http://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/oldtown_chart.html indicates that your serial number should be in the 120,000 or low 130,000 range if it shipped between 1939 and 1941. The only 18 foot square end that I have researched in this range was from August 14th, 2003. It is attached below although it didn't ship to Sears Roebuck.


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