At about 10:30 Zack refers to "this feature "and suggests that it is a differentiator for "this canoe". The camera pulls back and shows something, but it is hard to tell what? What is that feature, "the differentiator"?
WRT shellack on bottoms, a point that should be made about shellac bottoms is that it is an easier bottom to maintain for a working canoe. Practicality is a factor. In a matter of minutes you can apply a few fresh coats of shellac to a canoe and be good to go for several hard trips or another year. If you were using paint, you would have a much more involved project on your hands to accomplish the same result. Painting a hull takes days, not hours. This is a reason I use shellac on my tripping canoe. And, damage from dragging over beaver dams or scuffing up on rocks is less obvious than on a painted hull. I'm not sure if it is "more slippery", but it sure is far more practical.