I bought the 1923 Old Town Charles River canoe
that John Abbot had for sale in the classifieds ( http://classifieds.wcha.org/index.c...xact_match=on&photo_size=full&query=retrieval ).
Brought her to Rhode Island last Saturday. She needed a front seat so I built a prototype and we took her out for a ride on Wednesday, GREAT!
I believe it was the first time in the water for her since around 1970.
I had told John I plan to put her in the Charles River this year to sort of mark her 85th year. I've spoken with Charles River Canoe and Kayak and they would enjoy seeing her and could help with a picture. The boathouse in the illustration sent to John ( http://forums.wcha.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=5134&d=1213844927) (The illustration shows her original colors) still exists and is the home of the Newton Boathouse of the Charles River group. I hope to do that next week!
I've been lurking and learning here for a while and now I'm a 'card carrying' member. I plan to refurbish/restore this canoe over the winter, new canvas and refinished interior, recane the seats and replace a few planks in the process.
I owned a 17' aluminum canoe with a 60sq ft sail and 3hp motor when I was in Scouts back in the 50's and kept it until the early '80s so I know a little about using a canoe. There were 2 Old Towns (wood and canvas) at my uncle's cottage outside Milwaukee that were well 'respected' ("No you can't take those out - you're too young, take the aluminum.") in the 40's and 50's and I've always liked traditional W/C canoes.
I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions as the refurb progresses and I'll do a search as much as possible. I've already got 'the BOOK' and that's a big help!
I bought the 1923 Old Town Charles River canoe

Brought her to Rhode Island last Saturday. She needed a front seat so I built a prototype and we took her out for a ride on Wednesday, GREAT!
I believe it was the first time in the water for her since around 1970.
I had told John I plan to put her in the Charles River this year to sort of mark her 85th year. I've spoken with Charles River Canoe and Kayak and they would enjoy seeing her and could help with a picture. The boathouse in the illustration sent to John ( http://forums.wcha.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=5134&d=1213844927) (The illustration shows her original colors) still exists and is the home of the Newton Boathouse of the Charles River group. I hope to do that next week!
I've been lurking and learning here for a while and now I'm a 'card carrying' member. I plan to refurbish/restore this canoe over the winter, new canvas and refinished interior, recane the seats and replace a few planks in the process.
I owned a 17' aluminum canoe with a 60sq ft sail and 3hp motor when I was in Scouts back in the 50's and kept it until the early '80s so I know a little about using a canoe. There were 2 Old Towns (wood and canvas) at my uncle's cottage outside Milwaukee that were well 'respected' ("No you can't take those out - you're too young, take the aluminum.") in the 40's and 50's and I've always liked traditional W/C canoes.
I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions as the refurb progresses and I'll do a search as much as possible. I've already got 'the BOOK' and that's a big help!