Loosely based on Christmas For Cowboys (sung by John Denver):
Christmas For Canoeists
With the stroke of the paddle we spend Christmas Day
Canoeing past the snow-covered shores
All the good gifts given today;
Ours is the sky, rocks, water, and trees – the wilderness wide and free.
Back in the cities, they have different ways
Football and eggnog and Christmas parades
I’ll take the paddle; I’ll take a good wood canvas canoe;
Christmas for Canoeists and wilderness wide and free.
A campfire for warmth as we stop for the night;
The stars overhead are the Christmas-tree lights.
The wind in the pines sings a hymn as we portage
Christmas for Canoeists and wilderness wide and free.
With the stroke of the paddle we spend Christmas Day
Canoeing past the snow-covered shores.
So many gifts have been opened today;
Ours is the sky, rocks, water, and trees – the wilderness wide and free
It’s Christmas for Canoeists and wilderness wide and free.
Merry Christmas and Happy CANOE Year!!!!